Long-Term Care Facility Partners
Dedicated hospice care partnerships serving Niagara County residents.
Our collaborations guide families facing late-stage illnesses.
Niagara Hospice is proud to partner with Niagara County nursing homes, hospitals and adult homes to help meet the needs of seriously ill residents. The goal of the addition of hospice services is to bring end-of-life care expertise to facility staff, comfort to residents – and peace of mind to their families.
Please call (716) 439-4417 with questions or to refer loved ones for hospice services at their facility or adult home.

Hospice services are available at the following Niagara County facilities:
Skilled Nursing
DeGraff Memorial Hospital – Skilled Nursing Facility
445 Tremont St.
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
2600 Niagara Falls Blvd.
Niagara Falls, NY 14304
104 Old Niagara St.
Lockport, NY 14094

Our Lady of Peace Nursing Care Facility
5285 Lewiston Rd.
Lewiston, NY 14092-1942

Adult Home
6741 Nash Rd.
North Tonawanda, NY 14120-1231
3920 North Forest Way
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Payment for hospice services not provided in the patient’s home
Hospice is specialized care for the terminally ill. In most cases, hospice services are covered by Medicare. Niagara Hospice maintains service care contracts with many hospitals, nursing homes, intermediate care facilities and adult care facilities. While the services of Niagara Hospice typically involve no expense to the patient, each contract provider may charge fees associated with room and board and/or services provided for care of the patient’s unrelated terminal diagnosis. Each contract and setting is unique. Medicare and Medicaid regulations prevent hospice providers from providing care in non-contracted facilities.
Patients considering hospice care should ask their respective insurance carriers about the impact of accessing hospice either through Medicare and Medicaid, or through private insurance. Each carrier may have limitations of care and/or out-of-pocket expenses. Niagara Hospice personnel make every effort to ensure all patients are fully informed about their options prior to making a decision about hospice care.